PB2 Training - Closed Course
RYA Power Boat Level 2
Provides the skills and background knowledge needed by the competent powerboat driver and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence. It aims to teach boat handling and seamanship in powerboats. It focuses on low speed close quarters handling, man overboard recovery, an introduction to driving at planing speed, and collision regulations.
Assumed knowledge: None.
May be preceded by Level 1 Start Powerboating
Minimum duration: 2 days
Minimum age: 16
Course content: Launching and recovery, boat handling, securing to a buoy, anchoring, leaving and coming alongside, man overboard
Ability after course: Self-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of the craft.
Location: West Kirby Sailing Club
Times: 0900-1700 each day
Please dress appropriately and bring a packed lunch.
Run by RYA Principle Charles Hassett.
Last updated 9:36am on 20 March 2025