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Joining West Kirby Sailing Club

Welcome to West Kirby Sailing Club. We are a Community Amateur Sports Club and we welcome everyone who wants to participate in and support the sport of sailing.

We are delighted that you wish to join us but if you are not familiar with the Club you will want to understand more about what we do before applying. Have a look under "Sailing" and "Training" and you will see what is on offer. If you have any other questions please submit an enquiry through the Website, contact the appropriate Class Captain (see names under Classes) or please email

We hope that if you decide to join West Kirby Sailing Club you will remain as a member for many years. The Club relies on volunteers and the more you put in the more you will get out of your membership.


The subscription year runs from 1st October - 30th September. In the year of joining the subs are calculated pro rata to the month of your start date but this only occurs once !

We do not have Social Memberships.

The 2024/25 subs for the various Membership Types are shown below:

Family - 2 adults and all children who are Junior Members £496

Couple - cohabiting or married couple £403

Adult - individual aged over 30 £310

26-30 - individual aged 26-30 £155

18-25 - individual aged 18-25 £93

Junior - individual aged 5-17 £93 (see note below)

If you live more than 40 miles from West Kirby (using AA Route Finder postcodes) then your subs are reduced to Outport rates as follows:

Outport Individual (incl Juniors) £93

Outport Couple £186

Outport Family £279

There is also a £30 Entry Fee for each new member which is waived if you sign up to pay your subscription by direct debit with Go Cardless (see below).


The first step is to apply to join through the WKSC website. Follow the instructions and enter all the details for each person applying to join. Click to Join or if you have a login already Click to Login

JUNIORS (under 18)

A Junior cannot join until aged at least 5 years old

If a Junior wishes to join without a parent or guardian then they need to designate a named Adult Club member to stand in loco parentis. 

We also need you to sign a Parental Consent Form for all Juniors joining the Club (whether with parents or not). 

To download the form please click the link below, complete the Form and return it to



1. The preferred option is to pay your subscription by direct debit through Go Cardless (an online, paperless system) - annually or monthly. 

    There is no extra cost to choosing this option but if you wish to do this you need to set up a direct debit mandate using the following link:

    We will then set up your subscription and you will receive a confirmatory email from Go Cardless. 

    We will assume you wish to pay monthly unless you email the Hon Registrar ( to the contrary.

2. You can also pay by bank transfer 

    (Lloyds Bank, Account Name: West Kirby Sailing Club Sort Code: 30-15-52, Account Number: 59383860). 

    Please use your name and membership number (if known) as a reference.


Last updated 16:25 on 18 March 2025

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