Newsletter 05 03 25
Published 09:00 on 5 Mar 2025

Welcome to WKSC Newsletter |
A round up of Club news this week... including sailing, training and upcoming social events. Also included are links to the Galley on Friday menu and current boats for sale. .. |
A View from the Bridge |
Two great races were held on the tide this weekend, Sally's Cottage and back and then Caldy Steps and back, started from the Club by our intrepid Sailing Sec! A real slow speed drifter on the tide, watching the world go by, delightful to be on the water. The juniors/youth 420s were up and at it over the weekend. More coached training from the legend that is Neil Marsden bring the gang on really well. His enthusiasm for sailing is infectious! This tied in nicely with the Manchester Uni Team also out practising on the tide. Putting the total number of boats out at somewhere near 40. Not bad for the start of March! 18 attended the Start to Race on Sunday Morning, thank you Tony! Next Weekend is the Rule Changes. So it might be a full house! Training held their first PB2 course of the year which went well! Lead by Tom Edwards with my goodself as the 2nd instructor, I think it's fair to say we all had a good time and the attendees got the qualifications squared away with some style! Thank you for those that stepped forward to offer your assistance at the Volunteers Day. If anyone else missed the afternoon and feel you have something to give back to your Club please contact us on We will be looking to set up some working parties, inside and outside. And finally! Linda Burthem's talk on Bees. What can I say?!? It was just fabulous! I genuinely know what I'm going to do in retirement. Absolutely fascinating! Thanks to all those who supported her. Thanks to Linda for the pots of West Kirby Honey (please leave the empty pots behind the Bar so she can re-use them), and no - the the person who suggested it - we can't have beehives on the Club Roof! Could you imagine if they swarmed on a warm Sunday afternoon, I'm not sure John has enough spinnaker bags to catch them. I'm still chuckling at the thought of John and Linda driving home with 20 000 bees on their back seat with a slightly bemused look on their faces (see Linda, I was listening at the back of the Class!)! ![]() This Thursday is Martin Whittingham-Jones and David Potter on Dragonflite 95 Radio Controlled Sailing! Come early to get a seat! Cheers All! Chris |
News & Notices |
2025 WKSC Handbooks The 2025 handbooks have arrived and will be sent out to members over the next 2 weeks.If you are in the Club this week please feel free to take yours (and any others that you can deliver). They are in the Macdona Room (sorted by area). If your handbook is not there then it is out for delivery ! The envelope is addressed to the "primary member" of your group. Generally there is one handbook per envelope. If you need more please ask in the Office. 200 Club February Winners 1st - £300 110 Rob Pierce2nd - £200 59 Nick Ledingham 3rd - £100 184 Lynne Pengelly 4th - £50 111 Terri Atkinson On the last Friday of each month there is a draw for the 200 Club. This is a fundraiser for WKSC. Members of the 200 club pay a subscription of £2 per month which funds the prizes, with the balance used to aid WKSC. Bar Hours The summer bar hours will be starting on 1st April. Monday 18.30 - 22.00Tuesday 18.30 - 22.00 Wednesday 12.00 - 14.30 18.30 - 22.00 Thursday 17.00 - 23.00 Friday 17.00 - 23.00 Saturday 12.00 - 19.00 Sunday 12.00 - 19.00 (exceptions for booked events) SAILING MATTERS Intro. to Racing Group Despite enthusiasm by the group to hold the dry session outside in the sun, Tony M forced the group into the Training Room for him to deliver a sales pitch on the Clubs main Tidal Handicap Events which attract large numbers of competitors - subject to weather of course. He encouraged participation and recommended plenty of practise ….. starting the next day! Sundays Tidal Racing Sure enough on Sunday, favoured with just a little more wind than forecast, 17 boats raced up to Sallys Cottage, Thurstaston and back for Race 5 of the Tidal Arctic Series on the big 9.6mtr tide. All boats finished the course, the leading boats taking a little over an hour. Line honours went to Liz Potter (D-Zero) followed by John Carlin crewed by Thomas Teubner (Albacore) but the Solos sailed by Martin Hartley and Steve Ferrington were 1st and 2nd on corrected time(ct). Liz and John had to be content with 4th and 5th respectively on ct. One of the less experienced racers, Judith Carter, sailing a Lightning (a new class to WKSC) pulled off a great result by coming third on ct., a great inspiration to all the less experienced racers, of which there were 9 out of the 21 taking part and countless others almost ready to go racing this season. A tricky second race with a fading breeze and the tide ebbing was completed on a much shortened course by 12 boats. Competitors had to work hard to get their heads rounding the fickle wind which had plenty of calm spells … not what youd want when the ebb is running fast. The fight to be first round the one buoy in the course was won by John Carlin and Thomas Teubner who won the race on corrected time by 45 seconds from Martin Hartley. Steve Jardine sailing his Laser making a brilliant start on the shore end of the starting line, out of the tide, made it through to 3rd place on ct. Another laser sailed by Ioannis Koutsokeras came 4th. A Falcon sailed by Mike Hartley, Chris Gatenby and Ali Pharaoh came 5th (ct) in this second race, sorting out most of the wind vagaries going up to the windward mark but a lull in the wind at the wrong moment meant extra time to get round that mark taking away what otherwise would have been an almost certain win. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The 420 Youth (that includes Neil Marsden of course) enjoyed some training in the light airs of Sunday morning on the estuary as did Manchester Uni. Firefly sailors on the estuary and on the lake. Next Weekend - Back to lake sailing. Martin Whittingham-Jones and a David Potter are giving a talk on Radio Sailing tomorrow evening (Thurs 5/3/25) 19:30. An absolute must attend event. A Rules Update session will be delivered this Saturday (8/3/25) morning at 10:30 by David Taylor …. Dont miss it. (Note below food will be available) Tony Marston Sailing Sec. This Saturday lunch - Pies and soup - pre order on list at the bar (Note - 6 Nations burgers served later in the afternoon. Details below) Helen Brown will be serving a delicious menu this week. Click here for the menu. |
Sailing and Club Calendar |
What's on this week: Thursday 6th 14:00 Radio Sailing Thursday 6th 19:30 - 21:00 Thursday Talks - Radio Sailing and WKSC - All welcome Friday 7th 14:00 Illusion Saturday 8th - 9th RYA Senior Instructors Course (2nd Course) 2025 Training Saturday 8th Introduction to Racing 2024/2025 Training Saturday 8th 10:30 - 12:00 Rules update session Saturday 8th 14:15 - 19:00 Six Nations Sunday 9th 11:00 - 14:00 Spring Brunch (Wilson Fundraiser) Sunday 9th 11:00 Early Spring 3 & 4 All Dinghy Classes (L) Sunday 9th 15:00 - 17:00 Six Nations Wednesday 12th 12:30 - 14:00 Gentleman's Lunch Wednesday 12th 16:00 - 17:00 Star committee meeting |
Training |
First Aid Course at WKSC. Click HERE to book your First Aid Course. ![]() Click HERE to book your training course. We will be advertising externally so please book now if you wish to take a course. ![]() |
Events |
Thursday Talks - This Thursday 6th March Radio Sailing at WKSC with Martin Whittingham-Jones and David Potter FIRST AN APOLOGY. I now realise, with all sincerity and regret, that we have been misleading you for most of last season. This flirtation with the truth only came to light when Cheryl remarked that one of her Bridge partners had asked which music do Martin and friends most enjoy when radio sailing! YES we use finely tuned wind instruments that are mostly silent, crescendo only when they come together. The most sound comes from the supporting choir whose emotions sometimes overcome the melody. YES last season we performed every Thursday afternoon. Come rain or shine, wind or calm, we coped with the elements. We sailed on days when sensible Falcon and Hilbre sailors would have stayed ashore. We battled waves at least 6 inches high. Some of our members performed heroic rescues on the lake wall. I am of course apologising on behalf of the new DragonFlite 95 radio controlled model sailing fleet . WE ARE PUTTING ON A SHOW. With guest speakers and many different models on display and action on the big screen. Please come and talk to us on 6 March at 7:30 PM . ![]() If anyone has a topic they think people would enjoy hearing more about, and would like to present it, please contact and we will see if we can find a date next year! 6 Nations Rugby Matches Great turn out for the last matches and a great atmosphere in the Club. Amazing food by Helen and Paul will be available. The matches will be shown in the Main Room. All welcome, please remember to sign any guests in. The guest book is located by the entrance. The matches this week are: Saturday 8th - 14:15 Ireland v France, 16:45 Scotland v Wales Sunday 9th - 15:00 England v Italy Menu shown below ![]() ![]() Spring Brunch - Sunday 9th March Come down and enjoy a delicious brunch. Fabulous raffle to raise money for the Wilson Trophy. All Welcome. Get your tickets at the bar. ![]() Weekly Wednesday Quiz New members and teams are most welcome, just turn up. This is a lovely evening to come and enjoy the social side of the Club. Sunday Lunches by Helen Next lunch is Sunday 30th March The fantastic Sunday lunches catered by Helen Brown and Paul Weston are back by popular demand! Once a month the Sunday menu will be served in the Macdona Room. Book your place by putting your name on the list behind the bar. Please pay in cash at the bar prior to the lunch. Last bookings by Thursday. Helen's number is 07855191308. |
Other Information |
Galley on Friday Menu- click here |
Boats for Sale |
Boats for sale - New - GP 14 New - Laser 34383 Click here to view Boats for Sale |
If you would like something added to the newsletter please contact |
Last updated 09:14 on 5 March 2025