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Home / News / Newsletter 20 11 24

Newsletter 20 11 24

Published 00:00 on 20 Nov 2024

Welcome to WKSC Newsletter

A round up of Club news this week... including sailing, training and upcoming social events. Also included are links to the Galley on Friday menu and current boats for sale.                                                                                          ..

Belgian Waffle...

I took part in the West Kirby Star Class AGM on Sunday, which was well attended and many positive ideas were suggested for the next sailing season. The class had all its 11 Stars on the water last season and most all are being worked on in the boatshed in an attempt to have all 11 launched in April. The boats are true classics with their beautiful red sails, and the Classic Boat challenge against kindred clubs was a tremendous success, one we hope to repeat once again in 2025. Nick Leadingham, as Star Class Captain, has again requested for various dates to be included in next year's sailing programme, when anyone can join us for a sail on the Dee Estuary and sample how great these boats are.

As often is the case, all this planning invariably lead to a great lunch with a little wine in the Madonna room.   

Marvellous day.

News & Notices

The Junior Log  

Each year our Sailing Club invite members to submit a log of a cruise under the WKSC Burgee to win the Bill Williams Trophy. As this award is not open to Juniors Peter Price as President decided to correct this oversight by presenting a Junior log.  

This year the winner submitted a brilliant log and at our Prizegiving I had the pleasure of presenting The Junior Logbook Trophy to Theo Geddes.
Congratulations Theo.  

Theo gave me permission to put his log in the Newsletter for everyone to enjoy. 

Peter Bramley 

Theo's Log

Hello, my name is Theo Geddes. I am now 7yrs old but I was just 6yrs old when I did a Sailing trip in my oppy, fundraising for RNLI / West Kirby Lifeboat, Abersoch and Hoylake.

I decided to do a sponsored sailing trip from WKSC to Hilbre Island, sailing my Oppy called Spidey on my own. I wanted to raise £200 for the 200th year of the RNLI. I also wanted to be the youngest member of WKSC to sail to Hilbre single handedly.

My Daddy said he would let me and followed me in a little rib in case I needed help.

When I set off it was very shallow so my Daddy towed me to the moorings, then I started to sail on my own.

I only started sailing properly about 1 month before this trip. When I set off from the moorings the wind was a bit tricky! It kept changing direction. I had to do lots of tacking and it was gusty. One gust nearly capsized my boat but I saved it and kept on going.

After a while the wind came from the West, this meant I could go really quickly on a reach. On the way to Hilbre I got a bit close to Little Eye and I hit the bottom! This was not part of my plan! I got out and pushed my oppy back into deeper water and climbed back in. I carried on and was going really quickly. I was going passed Middle Eye when I realised my hands and arms were sore. It was tough trying to steer in a straight line in the strong wind.

I thought about giving up, but then I remembered a message I got from Bear Grylls on my 6th Birthday. He told me to follow my dreams and never give up. I decided to keep on going.

A friendly Seal kept popping up next to me. I named him Bill, it was like he was cheering me on. I was going really fast alongside Hilbre Island and started surfing down some of the waves, this felt exciting, fun and fast. When I got alongside the red light on the top of Hilbre, my Daddy said Id done it! I was extremely happy and was having so much fun surfing the waves I decided to keep on going around the island. I had already sailed about 2.5 miles and not needed any help.

As I went around the North of the Island the water was quiet rough and my Oppy was rocking and rolling in the waves. I managed to stay the right way up! When I got on the East side of the Island it was super calm, Bill popped his head up right next to me and looked right at me, he seemed happy I had done it! I carried on sailing to the south end of the Island and then beached Spidey.

I got out of my boat and gave my Daddy a big hug. I celebrated with Haribo sweets and chocolate. I had sailed nearly 3 miles, mission completed!

I then hitched a lift back home. My trip raised £1800 for the RNLI and I am very proud of that. WKSC have put my name in their records as the youngest person to sail this trip single handed.

When I got back I became a little bit famous. I was in the BBC news, local papers and I went to the BBC radio studios for an interview that was put on BBC Radio Merseyside.

I had great fun doing my trip even though it was hard work at times. I am very proud of what I did.

Theo Geddes

Annual Subscriptions

This is a polite reminder to members who do not pay their subs by direct debit and who have not paid their annual subs. The new subscription year started on 1st October 2024.    

We depend on the subs from members to keep the lights on in the boatshed and in the club house.  
If you have not paid your subscription for the year, please do so as soon as possible. You can pay via bank transfer or by phoning Sue in the office and paying by card. If you wish to change to paying by direct debit, please email me on and I will send you a link. Its very easy to set up. You can pay the annual amount or by monthly instalments at no extra cost.  

To those who have already paid, and to those who pay by direct debit. Thank You!  

Jill Riley
Membership Secretary  

The Galley on Friday

The fantastic Smash Bros are catering for us again this Friday.
Please come along to support them. Click here for the menu.


Sailing this week:

Wednesday 20th 13:00 - 17:00  Liverpool Uni SC Team Racing
Friday 22nd 14:00  Illusion Class
Saturday 23rd  University Team Racing Team Racing Saturday 23rd   
Saturday 23rd 09:00 - 12:00  Saturday Morning Adult Improvers Course Training
Saturday 23rd 10:00 - 12:00  Introduction to Racing 2024/2025 Training Saturday 23rd  
Sunday 24th 11:00  Frostbite 9 & 10 Fast Handicap (L) Club Racing Lake
Sunday 24th 11:03  Frostbite 9 & 10 Novice Handicap (L) Club Racing Lake
Sunday 24th 11:06  Frostbite 9 & 10 Slow Handicap (L) Club Racing Lake
Wednesday 27th 13:00 - 17:00  Liverpool Uni SC Team Racing

RC sailing at WKSC - DragonFlite 95

Recent Thursday afternoons have seen an enthisiastic turnout in varying conditions to race DF95's on the Lake. Whilst the newer recruits tackle the challenge of rig and boat tuning, there is plenty of advice and encouragement from seasoned RC skippers. Interest in the Class continues to grow with a rumoured 2 more boats due for 2025 and hopefully a Spring Series also next year.

 Weather permitting it is intended to sail throughout the Winter so no doubt thermals, ski-suits and wooly hats will be 'rig of the day' For a modest investment the DF95 one-design boats are ideal as a first foray into the world of RC yachting and great fun to sail.

The dedicated Facebook page offers a forum for advice and troubleshooting, plus a marketplace for 2nd hand boats.

For more information contact :
John Carlin 07927 929054
Phil Shepherd 07802225214


It's not too late to sign up for the RYA adult improvers course which will run till March, weather permitting.  The course will cover seamanship skills & hopefully some gentle sailing on the tide. If you would like to take part please enrol of SCM . The cost is £96.


WKSC Christmas Fair
 - This Saturday 1-5pm

Come and join us, everyone welcome.

Get your Lifeboat Christmas cards, locally made gifts and stocking fillers all while sipping a glass of warm mulled wine.  

Children's Christmas Party - Saturday 14th December

 A chance to meet Father Christmas in his grotto. Click here to book your tickets.


Christmas Carols - Sunday 22nd December

 Come down, join in and feel festive. For those not wanting to miss the Strictly final we will be showing it on the screen in the Main Room.

New Year's Eve

Come down enjoy a great party and count down to 2025! Click here to book your tickets.

Weekly Wednesday Quiz

New members and teams are most welcome, just turn up. This is a lovely evening to come and enjoy the social side of the Club.


As the days draw in and sailing opportunities reduce, the club offers alternative ways to while away the dark evenings. The snooker table has been moved upstairs to the Wilson Room where the game can be played in splendid isolation! All members are of course welcome to play at any time (20ps are required for the light meter). We play snooker matches, home & away, against kindred clubs Hoylake, Wallasey and Dee plus billiards against Hoylake.... Additional fixtures are being contemplated. Last year we enjoyed an unbeaten season which was very rare and extremely satisfying. Some of the trophies date back almost 100 years.  

Practice takes place on Thursday evenings from 7.30 and, again, all members are welcome to come along. It is informal, with plenty of chat and the occasional drink and whilst some are better than others, keen foursomes matches ensue, in a light hearted manner….its even better if you draw a good player! Please just let us know if you want to come along and/or we can add you to the WKSC Snooker WhatsApp group for news and updates etc.

Dates of Home Team Matches:-
20/11/2024  -v- Wallasey SC
05/03/2025 -v- Hoylake SC (Billiards)
19/03/2025 -v- Dee SC  

Jonti Booth 07778 411675
Chris Booth 07717 511899

Other Information


Galley on Friday
click here

Boats for Sale

New boat for sale - Albacore (8177)

New boat for sale - Laser (164574)

New boats for sale - Optimists (4003 & 4745)

New boat for sale - Falcon (34) Sea Eagle
Click here to view Boats for Sale

If you would like something added to the newsletter please contact

Last updated 22:34 on 18 February 2025

© 2025 West Kirby Sailing Club powered by Sailing Club Manager