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Home / News / Newsletter 04 12 24
Home / News / Newsletter 04 12 24

Newsletter 04 12 24

Published 07:00 on 4 Dec 2024

Welcome to WKSC Newsletter

A round up of Club news this week... including sailing, training and upcoming social events. Also included are links to the Galley on Friday menu and current boats for sale.                                                                                          ..

Belgian Waffle...

WKSC has acquired six Rondar Fireflys thanks to the incredible generosity of our Ancient Mariners. A huge thank you to all who have donated to our team racing efforts. However, we have not yet reached our goals and if any Ancient Mariners would like to donate funds (or further funds) please contact Kay Eggleton. 

The club now owns 5 flights of Fireflys which will avoid having to borrow / hire a fifth flight for the larger team racing events at West Kirby such as the Wilson Trophy.    

At the moment, three FF have remained on a triple stacker, and three Fireflys have been brought into the MPB for repairs. They look a bit frightening to be honest! It seems some hungry beast has taken chunks out of them. Some of the outer skin has been peeled away, and I am told the core of the hulls need drying. 

Still, we have a magician called Mike Hartley, who tells me that they are good value for money and will look amazing when finished. I guess we can now turn back to last April, when six FFs from Sheffield Hallam were brought to the club in a desperate state and were turned into six beautiful boats in the spate of 4 weeks. Little did we know that this was a mere rehearsal for our very own 5th flight.   

We intend to work on these boats throughout the winter, use the team racing room as a paint bay, and produce six identical Firefly, down to identical hull weights. If anyone is interested in helping out, we will require on Thursday evenings, (from 5 to 8pm, starting this Thursday 5th December) 6 pairs of hands for a multitude of jobs. If you can help, please either contact me or Kay Eggleton.   

To all our Ancient Mariners, a massive thank you.   


News & Notices

Changes to the Office Team

Please join us in giving a warm welcome to Jill Marsh, the Club's new Finance & Administration Manager who has just joined us. She has wide financial experience and has also been involved in the hospitality sector so whilst she might not fully understand sailing yet, she has a good appreciation of what is required.

As you know Sue Capper is retiring after 30 years at WKSC (including 15 years as Office Manager) but she will continue to work part time for the moment. Sue has been a tower of strength over the years and her knowledge of the workings of the Club is unsurpassed. We will all miss her when she finishes and wish her a very long and happy retirement.

Roger Glover - the financial wizard of WKSC - is standing down as Assistant Treasurer at the AGM. He was Hon Treasurer for 13 years until 2007 and since then has continued as Assistant. He has supported Sue and many Commodores over the years. His (generally) quiet demeanour and wise words have been invaluable and his astute counsel will still be sought as we move forward.

These are big shoes to fill so please support Jill and give her time to settle in. However if you have any queries you can contact her on the usual numbers 0151 625 5579 / Jill will be working Monday to Friday 09.00-17.00.

Tony Dangerfield, 

Hon Treasurer

Junior Christmas Party

Last few days to get tickets. The absolute final day to buy tickets is this Friday. If you have any problems booking contact Emma and Lindsay.

Annual Subscriptions

This is a polite reminder to members who do not pay their subs by direct debit and who have not paid their annual subs. The new subscription year started on 1st October 2024.    

 We depend on the subs from members to keep the lights on in the boatshed and in the club house.    

If you have not paid your subscription for the year, please do so as soon as possible. You can pay via bank transfer or by phoning Sue in the office and paying by card. If you wish to change to paying by direct debit, please email me on and I will send you a link. Its very easy to set up. You can pay the annual amount or by monthly instalments at no extra cost.  

To those who have already paid, and to those who pay by direct debit. Thank You!  

Jill Riley

Membership Secretary  

The Galley on Friday

The amazing Helen Brown is catering for us this Friday. The service time will be slightly reduced this week, as the Solo fleet are having their dinner in the Macdona Room this Friday from 7pm. The Friday menu will be served from 6-7pm.  Click here for the menu.

 Sailing this week: 

Wednesday4th13:00 - 17:00 Liverpool Uni SCTeam Racing
Friday6th14:00 IllusionClass
Saturday7th University Team RacingTeam Racing
Saturday7th09:00 - 12:00 Saturday Morning Adult Improvers CourseTraining
Saturday7th10:00 - 12:00 Introduction to Racing 2024/2025Training
Sunday8th Manchester Uni Development SquadTeam Racing
Sunday8th11:00 Frostbite 13 & 14 Fast Handicap (L)Club Racing Lake
Sunday8th11:03 Frostbite 13 & 14 Novice Handicap (L)Club Racing Lake
Sunday8th11:06 Frostbite 13 & 14 Slow Handicap (L)Club Racing Lake
Wednesday11th13:00 - 17:00 Liverpool Uni SCTeam Racing




Children's Christmas Party - Saturday 14th December
  - Last day to buy tickets is this Friday!

A wonderful chance to meet Father Christmas in his grotto. Please get tickets early to allow Father Christmas time to make all the gifts! For those not wanting to miss the Strictly final we will be showing it on the screen in the Main Room. 

Click here to book your tickets.  

Christmas Carols - Sunday 22nd December

Come down, join in and feel festive with mulled wine and minced pies.

New Year's Eve

Come down enjoy a fantastic party and count down to 2025! Tickets are on sale now.

Click here to book your tickets.

Weekly Wednesday Quiz

New members and teams are most welcome, just turn up. This is a lovely evening to come and enjoy the social side of the Club.

Other Information


Galley on Friday Menu- click here
Note reduced hours of service this week 6-7pm

Boats for Sale

New boat for sale - Albacore (8177)

New boat for sale - Laser (164574)

New boats for sale - Optimist (4003)

New boat for sale - Falcon (34) Sea Eagle  

Click here to view Boats for Sale

If you would like something added to the newsletter please contact

Last updated 22:34 on 18 February 2025

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