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Home / News / Newsletter 12 02 25
Home / News / Newsletter 12 02 25

Newsletter 12 02 25

Published 10:00 on 12 Feb 2025


Welcome to WKSC Newsletter

A round up of Club news this week... including sailing, training and upcoming social events. Also included are links to the Galley on Friday menu and current boats for sale.                                                                                          ..

A View from the Bridge

Hello All,

Well the name for the Commodores bit was won by our own El Presidente, Peter Bramley. For those of you that don't know me, I work on ships, so hence the above named overtly nautical styled name was deemed appropriate.

We've had a busy week. As the cold weather kept most of us in, our intrepid Boatman Andy and his trusty sidekick Jude have been dragging out the moorings for re-laying in more suitable positions. For those of you that have never done this - or seen it done - it is back breaking work, and especially hard going in the cold weather we have had. Well done.

On the Sailing front....

Isobel Sandow and Edie Rogers were the winners of the U17 trophy at the Xtremity Gill 420 Winter Championships held at the National Sailing Centre in Weymouth.
The event was held in punishing conditions with near freezing temperatures and winds gusting +20 knots. Well done ladies!!!

Whilst back on the Leisure Peninsula.... we've had Liverpool Uni out sailing Saturday and Sunday, and our Arctic series being hard sailed for, in Freezing conditions. The cold air mass with the pesky Easterly Winds, bringing fluky down-the-street gusts which the associated with the wind coming from the wrong bloody place, made life 'interesting' (read - v cold) for those who ventured out.
Health and Safety Dad moment here.....Please don't forget to wear a drysuit and do everything you can to keep your feet dry! The water is exceptionally cold.
Thanks to the rescue people, they are more important than you think in the winter months.

Whilst the racing was on, it was good to see the Wilson Firefly Fettling Squad doing what they do best, which appears to be squeezing as many Fireflies into Michele's Training Room in as short a time as possible! Blink and you'd have missed it.
If anyone wants to learn this invaluable art, Rear Commodore Sailing, Mike Hartley, and his team would be only too glad to show you the ropes (no pun intended).

It was great to see people coming to support the Home Nations with the Rugby, a sad result for a young Welsh team, and truly nail biting stuff from England, reminiscent of 2003 world Cup win, although still some way to go there! (Before anyone thinks this is going to be some sort of field sports update page, that is my knowledge genuinely used up! (Those who know, know) ).
I can, however, wax lyrical about Paul and Helen's fantastic Six Nations Burgers. I went for the 'Luck of the Irish'. 

The refurbishment of the Gents Changing Rooms and Toilets is now underway.
Fabrics Chair Peter Holt and his Team have got a grip of a huge job, so please be patient.
So, in the meantime, please feel free to use the Easy Access toilets for a quick shower or change, just please be understanding that there may be people in the Club who need wheelchair access - so be quick! No 'Hollywood Showers' please.
There is always the shower and toilets at the back of the Training room.
Don't worry ladies, your facilities are next in line!

I think I've taken up enough of your time, so I'll bid you all adieu,

Stay Safe,


News & Notices

The Gents Changing Room Repairs 

The gents changing rooms will be unavailable for the next few weeks due to urgent repairs and renovation. Many apologies for any inconvenience.

Help from any volunteers to assist with maintenance and repairs of the Clubhouse and Boatshed are always appreciated. Please let me know if you are available.

Peter Holt

Part Time Bar Staff Required

If anyone knows of any suitable candidates, please contact

Menai Straits

The Menai Strait Joint Regattas committee would like to hear what sailors think about the Regattas.  How can we encourage more to enter?  Our opinion survey is now open.  It is an online form which takes about 10 minutes to complete.     
The internal link is below


After a titanic battle home and away against the formidable Hoylake SC Snooker team, we managed to secure a memorable victory…. (just!)   

The trophy has been secured in a cabinet in the Main room.  

We still have Dee SC to play Home and Away and a return leg at Home in the billiards match against HSC,.  

The team has not been as successful as last year (when Dave Wright guided us to a clean sweep of trophies) but we are just about holding our own….. Matches have been competitive but played in a great spirit with our kindred clubs.  

Chris Booth and Jonti Booth
(Joint captains)

Intro.. to Racing 2025 RULES SESSION   
This Saturday 15/2/25 10:30-11:30

Apologies for short notice but I'm pleased to say that David Taylor has agreed to do an hour session on the Racing Rules of Sailing. It will be helpful if you can respond to this so that I can indicate to David how many will attend.

Tony Marston

Last Weekend's Sailing

Last Sundays lake racing was held in a tricky, gusty and a cold ENE wind. 10 boats competing. Well done to Chris Kameen and Sophie Gatenby winning both races and great to see them back sailing the Firefly on the lake. And well done to everybody for having a go especially those with less experience even if you didn't finish. 

There's a pent up enthusiasm to sail which goes along with a lot of praying for better weather!

Tony Marston

The Galley on Friday

The Galley is taking a break this week. You are more than welcome to bring in your own take away if you would like.  

Sailing and Club Calendar

 What's on this week:

Saturday 15th 09:00 - 12:00  Saturday Morning Adult Improvers Course Training
Saturday 15th 19:00 - 23:00  Star Party 
Wednesday 19th 12:30 - 14:00  Gentleman's Lunch 


First Aid Course at WKSC. Click HERE to book your First Aid Course.

Event for all Coaches, Instructors and Training helpers. Please book your free ticket HERE

Click HERE to book your training course.



Spring Brunch - Sunday 9th March

Come down and enjoy a delicious brunch. Fabulous raffle to raise money for the Wilson Trophy. All Welcome. Get your tickets at the bar.

NEW - Thursday Talks

Interesting talks about a variety of subjects will be starting in a few weeks. All welcome.  

If anyone has a topic they think people would enjoy hearing more about, and would like to present it, please contact and we will see if we can find a date next year!

Weekly Wednesday Quiz

New members and teams are most welcome, just turn up. This is a lovely evening to come and enjoy the social side of the Club.

6 Nations Rugby Matches

Great turn out last week and a great atmosphere in the Club.  Amazing food by Helen and Paul. The rugby and the fantastic burgers will be back on the 22nd February.

Sunday Lunches by Helen

The fantastic Sunday lunches catered by Helen Brown and Paul Weston are back by popular demand! Once a month the Sunday menu will be served in the Macdona Room.

Book your place by putting your name on the list behind the bar. Please pay in cash at the bar prior to the lunch. Helen's number is 07855191308.

Other Information

Boats for Sale

Boats for sale - Optimist (4003)

Click here to view Boats for Sale
If you would like something added to the newsletter please contact

Last updated 16:25 on 18 March 2025

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