Newsletter 26 02 25
Published 09:00 on 26 Feb 2025

Welcome to WKSC Newsletter |
A round up of Club news this week... including sailing, training and upcoming social events. Also included are links to the Galley on Friday menu and current boats for sale. .. |
A View from the Bridge |
Another windy weekend precluded us from sailing on Sunday, but at least it is getting warmer! Helen, Paul and Hillary did another fabulous Sunday Lunch which was well attended. It was nice to see the Club so vibrant on a miserable day. The junior 420 crowd tripped up to Hollingworth to do some training, which was very brave of them, the wind was honking, but they got lots of value added and still managed to come back smiling. More locally, Saturday saw 15 boats sailing on the Lake. That is a great turn out for time time of year. Just to make you jealous, the Bromilow lads have been off sailing in Villamoura, on the Algarve. I think the less said about that the better...... (he wrote with a tear in his eye). Please be patient with the windows in the main room. None of us like the current view, but we will have to put up with it until the insurance is settled and we are given the go ahead to start remedial work. Our Fabrics Chair and team will sort this as soon as possible. The Gents Changing rooms are coming along. A quote has been given for the new flooring and Peter has been improving the drainage. Hopefully there will be no repetition of the flooded corridors as we had last summer. Be mindful to remember to lock your cars, a couple of cars outside the Club had their boots wide open, obviously someone had been going up the road trying them out? The Thursday talks will start tomorrow with Linda Burthem's discussion on Bee Keeping, (please see the poster below for details). I for one will be on the front row for this, hopefully as many of you as possible can join me for it! One final push for the Volunteers Day this weekend. Come down and see what needs to be done and tell us what you can do. We need everything from someone who can wield a paint brush, to graphic designers, people who can sew, to people with strong arms and people with ideas and want to realise them for our Club. Come and have a chat and see what we can do. Best Regards, Chris |
News & Notices |
Firefly Project - Update Many thanks to everyone who helped with the Fireflies on Sunday - another great team and we achieved a lot. All the hulls are now repaired and painted, 5 are washed and polished and fixings/ropes are being fitted and wooden fendering attached, but there is still plenty more to do. The plan is to finish the boats and have them rigged and on display on Sunday 16th March (at which time there will be an Ancient Mariners and Helpers celebration - keep the date !). This is in readiness for their first event at The Lash (Liverpool/Manchester University event hosted by WKSC) on 22/23 March. That means we have 2 weekends left to finish the multitude of jobs still required. So if you are interested there will be another working party on Sunday, 2nd March and 9th March, from 10.00 - 13.00. Please contact Kay or Jean-Louis if you are available - no skills required. As you can see the boats are already looking amazing. ![]() ![]() ![]() Boat Storage Dear Boat Owners, As we will soon be reaching the magical boat moving stage of the year, known as Tetris to our Yard Team, various teams will be moving Fireflies out of the Sheds, in addition to the Hilbres and Stars being brought out of their hibernation for the forthcoming season ahead. This will involve moving members boats around the yard to assist this process. Can I please ask that all boat owners check their boats, particularly ensuring there is air in the tires and importantly the boats are drained of water. Unfortunately, in moving one of the Falcons this winter, one of our volunteers sustained an injury from the boat being full of water. We all have a duty to ensure our boats are stored safely and in good order.Thank you in advance. With thanks Jonathan Atkinson ![]() The Menai Strait Joint Regattas committee would like to hear what sailors think about the Regattas. How can we encourage more to enter? Our opinion survey is now open. It is an online form which takes about 10 minutes to complete. The internal link is below SAILING MATTERS Intro to Racing Sat 22/2/25 A lull between two storms gave the Racing Group a good session on the lake last Saturday morning in light variable winds but enough to complete three races. Sarah Holt, Roberta Poroddi and Gordon Potticary were out in their recently acquired Lightenings. Hugo Embery a new junior member crewed for Adam Thomas in a Mirror; getting the hang of this racing game they won the start of the last race. The light conditions favoured close quarter racing, inevitably requiring collision avoidance at the last minute and then questioning who was in the wrong? The debriefing afterwards sorts all such questions out in a relaxed fashion….. and so along the learning curve the group progress. 13 x boats racing including three club owned boats. Briefing on the lake apron. ![]() Racing underway in light airs. ![]() Pics Jean Meakin Lake Racing Sunday 23/2/25 had to be postponed with wind gusting over 30kts. as per forecast. Tidal Racing Arctic Series 5&6 A big tide (9.8 M) and a reasonable forecast should enable racing to proceed next Sunday 2/3/25 First start 11:00. WKSC REGATTA Saturday 28/6/25 Please put this date in your diary! Team Racing Four of the six member team: Torrin Blazeby, Ben Swyer, Hollie Marston and Ella Marston in team Northern Royal T competing at the Queen Mary SC Icicle Team Race last week-end were from WKSC. They came a very respectable eighth out of twenty. Illusion Super Cup Friday 28/2/25
Cameras and drone at the ready. Tony Marston The Galley on Friday ![]() The Seafood Shack is serving a delicious menu this week. Click here for the menu. |
Sailing and Club Calendar |
What's on this week: February 2025 Thursday 27th - 28th RYA PB2 (1st Course 2025) Thursday 27th 14:00 Radio Sailing Thursday 27th 19:30 - 21:00 Thursday Talks Friday 28th 14:00 Illusion Super Cup March 2025 Saturday 1st - 2nd 420 Coaching Saturday 1st 10:00 - 12:30 Introduction to Racing 2025 Sunday 2nd 11:00 Arctic Tidal 5 & 6 Fast Handicap Dinghies (T) Sunday 2nd 11:03 Arctic Tidal 5 & 6 Slow Handicap Dinghies (T) Sunday 2nd 14:00 - 16:00 Your Club needs you! Volunteers event. Wednesday 5th 12:30 - 14:00 Gentleman's Lunch Wednesday 5th 19:30 - 23:00 Snooker Match WKSC v Hoylake Billiards |
Training |
First Aid Course at WKSC. Click HERE to book your First Aid Course. ![]() Click HERE to book your training course. We will be advertising externally this week so please book now if you wish to take a course. ![]() |
Events |
NEW - Thursday Talks - Starting this Thursday! Beekeeping with Linda Burthem Interesting talks about a variety of subjects. All ages welcome, just turn up. ![]() If anyone has a topic they think people would enjoy hearing more about, and would like to present it, please contact and we will see if we can find a date next year! Your Club needs you! - Sunday 2nd March 2pm ![]() An afternoon to come down and let us know what you would like your Club to do for you, and find out what you can do to help your Club. Do you have any areas of expertise or interest? We need help in everything from Sailing and Rescue, to painting and admin, or helping in the Yard! Please come down have a chat with our new Flags and Committees and see how we can improve our Club. We are all volunteers so all help is gratefully received. Spring Brunch - Sunday 9th March Come down and enjoy a delicious brunch. Fabulous raffle to raise money for the Wilson Trophy. All Welcome. Get your tickets at the bar. ![]() Weekly Wednesday Quiz New members and teams are most welcome, just turn up. This is a lovely evening to come and enjoy the social side of the Club. Sunday Lunches by Helen Next lunch is Sunday 30th March The fantastic Sunday lunches catered by Helen Brown and Paul Weston are back by popular demand! Once a month the Sunday menu will be served in the Macdona Room. Book your place by putting your name on the list behind the bar. Please pay in cash at the bar prior to the lunch. Last bookings by Thursday. Helen's number is 07855191308. |
Other Information |
Galley on Friday Menu- click here |
Boats for Sale |
Boats for sale - New - GP 14 Click here to view Boats for Sale |
If you would like something added to the newsletter please contact |
Last updated 22:21 on 7 March 2025